Beautification Day 2019
Sunday, August 18, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Beautification Day 2019
Sunday | August 18 | 9 am – 2 pm
Prior to the beginning of the school year, Nevada Sage Waldorf School families (Parent, children, extended family members) are encouraged to come together as a community and help the Nevada Sage Waldorf Staff and Faculty complete the finishing touches needed to invite our students back to the new year. Any time that a family can volunteer is appreciated. This beautification process helps provide the children and parents with a sense of pride and care in their learning environment. It is also a great way to connect with fellow Nevada Sage Waldorf Families before the first day of school. Some of the tasks that will be needed include; dusting, tidying rooms, and some yard/ playground work.
Volunteer Times
The volunteer shifts will be broken down into 2-hour time slots. Some of these tasks will include: distributing bark and sand on the playground; sweeping and cleaning windows. Teachers will be on site to provide direction to what is needed. A Sign-Up Genius request will be emailed to you at the end of July with specific volunteer and material needs for the day.
Please Note: EC students do not participate in this day. However, if an EC parent can volunteer time it is very appreciated.
What to Bring: water, lunch (if you are staying for the duration), work gloves, some type of snack to share with the community.