On-Campus Health & Safety Plan – 2020-21

Nurturing a culture of health, safety and shared responsibility.

Nevada Sage Waldorf School is committed to implementing health and safety precautions outlined in our Health and Safety Plan in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in our school community. And we need your help! Because we are a close-knit community, we cannot do it without your support. We have the great fortune of being a responsive, dedicated, and caring community of families, faculty, and administration. By following precautions, together, we can decrease the chance of transmission.

We expect that guidance for how the school can be on campus is likely to change throughout the school year based on public health indicators and as more information becomes available. We will be responsive and flexible to meet changes and will provide you with timely communication regarding any changes.

Summary of COVID-19 Related Mitigation Measures on Campus

  • Individual classes functioning in pods or cohorts
  • Limiting common areas on campus
  • Hand washing and sanitizing, social distancing and mask protocols
  • Isolated health area on campus for students with symptoms
  • Touchless thermometers for temperature screenings
  • More stringent cleaning procedures each night
  • New office protocols
  • Signage to serve as reminders for health and safety measures
  • Trained faculty and staff on new health and safety procedures related to COVID-19

Health and Safety Plan

Good hygiene with frequent hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer will be utilized.

  • Children should wash their hands before leaving home.
  • Hand sanitizer is given to children upon arrival at school and before their final departure.
  • Hands are washed before and after eating snacks and lunch, and after recess or indoor play.
  • Children wash hands after using the bathroom and throughout the day as needed.
  • Young children will be supervised to ensure that hands are washed thoroughly for 20 seconds and that social distancing is maintained in line. 

Physical distancing at school, through the creation of cohorts consisting of each individual class, will be the primary physical distancing measure.

Small group or “cohort” learning limits the number of teachers in contact with a designated group of students (cohort), and no community members or parents would be able to gather with students.

Early Childhood Program:

  • The children and teachers will not co-mingle with other classes in their daily rhythm.
  • Each EC class will be the sole class on their play yard.
  • Each EC class will nap in their own classroom.
  • EC children will have more work and play time outside.

Grades Program:

  • The students and teachers will limit or eliminate contact with other classes in their daily rhythm, including recess.
  • Class sizes will be matched to classroom size to ensure the most amount of space between students.
  • Desks will be spaced at minimum of 3 feet apart and students in Grades 4-8 will be required to wear masks while on campus.

Nevada Sage Waldorf School will follow the current directives of the local, state, and/or federal government agencies regarding masks and face shields.

Updated on May 17, 2021


  • Early Childhood
    • Children in the Early Childhood Program are not required to wear face coverings.
  • Grades 1-3
    • Students in grades 1-3 are not required to wear masks inside or outside the school building.
    • Students may be required to wear masks in Subject classes at the discretion of their Subject Teachers.
    • Students are welcome to wear masks in class at the discretion of their parent or guardian.
  • Grades 4-8
    • Students in grades 4-8 are required to wear a face mask inside of the school building but may remove their mask outside during breaks and during outdoor time such as classes at Hidden Valley Park and on field trips.

Parents of children who are not required to wear a mask may continue to ask their child to wear a mask at school.

All social distancing practices remain in place for students, staff, and parents.

Teachers, Staff & Other Adults

  • Staff and parents who are fully vaccinated may remove masks at all times when outside.

  • Since our Early Childhood Program is regulated by the Washoe County Human Services Agency, our EC teachers must still wear face coverings outside when within 6 feet of others.

  • All staff and parents are required to wear a face mask inside of the school buildings regardless of vaccination status.

Extra Masks

Each student should bring several extra masks from home to be kept at school. If a student needs to change his/her mask during the day and does not have an extra supply at school, one will be provided.

Medical Exemption

An individual who cannot wear a face-covering due to a bona fide medical condition is required to produce documentation, such as a doctor’s note, verifying the condition.

A student with a medical exemption for face coverings will be required to wear a face shield.

The CDC is planning to issue another update soon to support planning for the next school year.

For the health and well-being of those around you, ASK these questions EVERY DAY BEFORE leaving home.

Have you (staff member or student) had any new or unusual¹ symptoms in the last 24 hours?

1)    One or more of the following symptoms¹: 

  • Fever (temperature ≥ 100.4°F at rest)
  • Respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, and/or difficulty breathing)
  • New loss of smell or taste 

–      OR  –

2)    TWO or more of the following symptoms¹: 

  • Chills
  • Feeling cold and shivering
  • Muscle pain or aches
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue
  • Nasal congestion
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting (If this is the only symptom, 48-hour exclusion4.)
  • Diarrhea (If this is the only symptom, 48-hour exclusion4.)

1-New/unusual symptoms are different than symptoms of ongoing health issues, such as asthma, allergies, or COPD.
4-48-hour Exclusion: Stay home for 48-hours after vomiting and diarrhea have stopped without the use of medication.

If you answer YES to symptoms 1 or 2: 

DO NOT go to school/work.
► Contact your school/supervisor.
► Call your healthcare provider or WCHD COVID-19 Hotline at (775) 328-2427 or WCHD Online Assessment COVID19Washoe.com
► You may have COVID-19, ISOLATE² at home until:

(1) you have RECOVERED, defined as:

a)     at least 10 days have passed since the first symptom, AND
b)    24 hours have passed since fever, vomiting, AND diarrhea stopped (without medicine), AND
c)     other symptoms have improved – OR –

(2) you test negative for COVID-19 AND satisfy exclusion criteria for the illness.

If you answer NO to all of these: 

► Go to school/work.
► Continue to monitor your health.

Has someone in your household been:


2)    DIAGNOSED with COVID-19 by a healthcare provider but is NOT TESTED 

If you answer YES, you are a Household Contact: 

Do NOT go to school/work. 
Communicate with your school/supervisor.
► If you are unable to isolate from anyone in your home who has been diagnosed with COVID 19, your exposure is ongoing. Quarantine while the person is contagious and for 10 days after their recovery.
► If, at any point, you develop symptoms, ISOLATE² and see “IF you answer YES to SYMPTOMS” (above).

Have you been in close contact (within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes) with a person who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 while the person was contagious (48 hours before symptoms began through recovery)?

If you answer YES, you may be a Close Contact: 

DO NOT go to school/work. 
Communicate with your school/supervisor.
► You must QUARANTINE³ at home for 10 days.
► If, at any point, you develop symptoms, ISOLATE² and see “IF you answer YES to SYMPTOMS” (above).

2 – ISOLATE Stay away from others because you have COVID-19 or have COVID-19 symptoms.
3 – QUARANTINE Limit contact with others during the 10-day incubation period because you might have been exposed to COVID-19.

The Leadership Group is responsible for determining the scope and length of school campus closures.  The Leadership Group makes decisions in conjunction with the Washoe County Health Department and takes into consideration contact tracing within the school community and the risk level to the overall school community.

If any local, state or federal directives change, the NSWS Health & Safety Group and the Interval Planning Oversight Group will review and amend our policies and practices as appropriate.

Curriculum and Instruction During Possible Closure

Our unique approach to education provides rigorous learning experiences that engage the mind, enliven the imagination, and honor the spiritual development of each child. At Nevada Sage Waldorf School, our rich curriculum lays the foundation for each student to become a confident, creative, and critical thinker who is ready to take the next step toward a life of meaning and purpose. While we are committed to these core aspects of our curriculum, we recognize that there may be circumstances beyond our control that prevent in-person classes in the normal on-campus classroom format, and that distance learning and home engagement learning techniques may have to be implemented to accommodate unusual circumstances.

In the event that distance learning, hybrid and/or home engagement has to be implemented at Nevada Sage, we are committed to continue with our mission to meet your child where they are and help them develop socially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. While some festivals, performances and travel that are part of the normal Nevada Sage program may be altered, rescheduled or in some cases cancelled, in such circumstances, we are confident we can give your child what they need to succeed both socially and academically.

If distance learning, hybrid learning and home engagement strategies are implemented, we will continue to deliver as much of the rich Nevada Sage program as possible in the given circumstances. We are committed to finding a balance between utilizing technology in order to stay connected and limiting screen time for developing adolescents. To maintain this balance, we will rely on feedback from our students, parents, and teachers.

Home Engagement During School Closure

In the event there is a confirmed COVID-19 case in the Early Childhood Program, and we need to temporarily close part or all of the school building, each class teacher will send one significant content related post per week to their class. These could include suggestions for activities to do, circle or finger games, songs, stories, a puppet play, instructions for a craft etc. Weekly Zoom meetings with your teacher will also be offered. Parents may be asked to drop by the school during this time to pick up distance learning packets.

Home Engagement Daily Rhythm 

While in school, we rely on a work, play, rest rhythm to guide us through our day. The children thrive when they are part of a rhythm that contains in-breaths (rest, reading, and other quiet activities) and out-breaths (play time and other free-range activities). While at home, it is important for your child/ren to continue to have a daily rhythm. Here is an example of a daily rhythm you can go by or you can create your own.

8:00 – 9:30 a.m.                         Play Outside (bike ride, nature walk, or backyard play)

9:30 – 10:30 a.m.                       Snack Prep, Eat, and Cleanup

10:30 – 11:00 a.m.                     Daily Activity (drawing, painting, crafting)

11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.            Play Inside (imaginative play, build with blocks)

12:00 – 1:00 p.m.                       Lunch Prep, Eat, and Cleanup

1:00 – 2:00 p.m.                         Nap or Quiet Rest Time (tell story, beeswax, finger knitting)

2:00 – 2:30 p.m.                         Circle Time (move together, sing songs, do fingerplays)

2:30 – 3:30 p.m.                         Play Outside

Distance Learning During School Closure 

In the event there is a confirmed COVID-19 case at NSWS and we need to temporarily close part or all of the school building, the grade school will move to 100% distance learning and your child’s teacher will be providing on-line instruction. Parents may be asked to drop by the school during this time to pick up distance learning packets.

Learning Platforms for On-Line Instruction

NSWS grade school teachers for main lesson and subject classes, will continue to teach virtually on-line using Google Classrooms and Zoom meetings. Please refer to your teacher to access your Google classrooms. You will need to have access to the internet and a computer to access the classes. If you need assistance with any of these necessary tools please speak with your child’s teacher.

Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures & Times

Drop off and pick up procedures will be different this year due to a new Washoe County Human Services Agency regulation in which parents are not allowed inside the school building during drop off and pick up. Morning health checks will occur inside the play yards. When completed, the teacher will give the child some hand sanitizer and help the child settle personal belongings in their cubby.

Parents will return to where they had dropped off their child. The teacher will have the child gather their belongings and disinfect their hands one more time before escorting them to their parent.

Drop Off & Pick Up Times

Drop Off Times

  • Cottonwood and Aspen: 8:00 am – 8:15 am
  • Acorn and Willow: 8:15 am – 8:30 am

Pick Up Times

  • Cottonwood and Aspen: 12:45 pm – 1:00 pm
  • Acorn: 1:00 pm – 1:15 pm
  • Cottonwood and Aspen: 3:00 pm – 3:15 pm
  • Acorn and Willow: 3:15 pm – 3:30 pm

Grades 1-3

Parents of students in grades 1-3 should walk with their child to the grade’s gate. Your child’s teacher will conduct the health check, will then give the child hand sanitizer and he/she can play in an area designated for that individual class until the bell rings.

Grade 4-8

Parents of students in grades 4-8 should walk their child to the grades gate area for a health check. Once completed, the student can enter the building through the main entrance/front office.

Parents should not leave campus until their child’s health check is completed and he/she is cleared to stay on campus.

Drop Off & Pick Up Times

Drop Off 

  • Grade 2: 8:00 am – 8:15 am
  • Grade 1 & 3: 8:15 am – 8:30 am
  • Grade 4-8: 11:00 am – 11:15 am

Pick Up

  • Grade 1: 2:15 pm
  • Grades 2-3: 2:30 pm
  • Grades 4-8: 3:15 pm

A student arriving after the school day begins needs to be escorted by a parent or guardian through either the early childhood or grades gate to the exterior door of the child’s classroom.  The parent can leave campus after the teacher or assistant has conducted the morning health check and the child has been cleared to be on campus.

Visiting the Office

We enjoy welcoming parents into the office, helping with your needs, and having a warm connection. That hasn’t changed. What will be different is how we conduct business. To help keep our faculty and staff healthy and safe, we kindly ask that if you need something from the Front Office, Administrator, and Business Office, please conduct as much as possible via telephone, email, and video conferencing.

If you need to come into the office, please follow these steps:

  • Call the office prior to your arrival to let us know your needs. This step could be as simple as a phone call from your car after drop-off if something came up that you need to take care of with the office.
  • Arrive at the front door wearing a mask. You will have a brief health screening including a temperature check before entering the building to conduct your business.

Additional Information

  • The main school code will not be shared with parents this year to help us manage at the office.
  • The bathroom located through the office is only open to employees this school year. Parents and children will not be allowed to use this bathroom. Please plan accordingly.

General Office Information

  • Office Hours: 8:00AM – 4:00PM
  • Office Phone Number: 775-348-6622